2024 Santa Barbara Summer Camps Improv

2024 Santa Barbara Camp Improv is one of the most fun and sought after Santa Barbara Summer Camps in 2024. Parents looking for 2024 Santa Barbara Summer Camps, Summer camps, summer camp, Santa Barbara, or Santa Barbara camps have found the most fun improv camp right here for kids ages 8-12 years old.

Santa Barbara Summer Camps where children play improv games provides the most fun and interactive kids camp consisting of improv for kids summer camps in Santa Barbara, CA. Santa Barbara improv summer camps are so much fun! We are the best summer camps in Santa Barbara, CA. Santa Barbara, CA Camp Improv will teach improv basics all while having fun!

Santa Barbara Improv Campers (ages 8-12) are introduced to the imaginative & exciting world of improv theatre. This is a half-day of fun & games with creative improv play that introduces children to the essentials of storytelling & performing.

Improv Theater Summer Camps Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara Camp Improv 2024 campers are taught acting, visual arts, and storytelling. Kids ages 8-12 will learn and experience Improv Theatre games and develop important presentation and public speaking skills all while having FUN!

Yes, improv can be a valuable tool for learning and development in children. Here are some specific ways in which improv can contribute to the educational process:

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Skills: Improv requires quick thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability. Engaging in improv exercises can sharpen cognitive skills and help children become more agile in their thought processes.

  2. Language Development: Improv involves verbal communication, listening, and responding to others in real-time. This can contribute to language development, vocabulary expansion, and improved verbal expression.

  3. Social Skills: Improv is a social activity that encourages teamwork, cooperation, and effective communication. Children learn to work together, respect each other's ideas, and collaborate to create scenes, fostering the development of positive social skills.

  4. Creativity and Imagination: Improv provides a platform for children to express their creativity and imagination. Through improvisational play, they learn to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and develop a creative mindset.

  5. Emotional Intelligence: Improv often involves exploring and expressing a range of emotions. This can contribute to the development of emotional intelligence as children learn to recognize and manage their own emotions and understand the emotions of others.

  6. Confidence Building: The supportive and non-judgmental nature of improv helps build confidence in children. The experience of performing and expressing themselves in front of others can translate to increased confidence in various aspects of their lives.

  7. Risk-Taking and Resilience: Improv encourages children to take risks in a safe environment. They learn that it's okay to make mistakes and that failure is a natural part of the learning process. This fosters resilience and a willingness to take on challenges.

  8. Public Speaking Skills: Improv involves public speaking in a fun and interactive context. This can help children become more comfortable with speaking in front of others, an essential skill for presentations and public speaking engagements.

  9. Critical Thinking: Improv scenarios often require quick decision-making and thinking on one's feet. This helps children develop critical thinking skills as they assess situations and respond creatively and effectively.

  10. Physical Expression: Improv is not limited to verbal communication; it often includes physical expression and movement. This can be beneficial for children who learn and express themselves in different ways.

While improv can be a valuable tool for learning, it's important to integrate it into a broader educational context. Combining improv with other educational activities can create a well-rounded approach to learning and development for children.


Only 20 kid campers available each week!
Based on availability.

Reserve your kids camp improv Santa Barbara spot today! Wacky dress up day, hat day, backwards day, and more!

Downtown Santa Barbara at Veterans' Memorial Building 112 W Cabrillo Blvd, Santa Barbara, CA 93101



Explore improv tips and tricks of games played on the hit TV series “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”

Summer Camp Improv Session: June 17-21, 2024 Santa Barbara In-Person


Week 1: June 17-21, 2024
Cost: $450

9am to 12:30PM
Bring lunch, snacks and lots of water!
Kids Ages 8-12 Years

Summer Camp Improv Session: June 24-28, 2024 Santa Barbara In-Person


Week 2: June 24-28, 2024
Cost: $450

9am to 12:30PM
Bring lunch, snacks and lots of water!
Kids Ages 8-12 Years

Summer Camp Improv Session: July 8-12, 2024 Santa Barbara In-Person


Week 3: July 8-12, 2024
Cost: $450

9am to 12:30PM
Bring lunch, snacks and lots of water!
Kids Ages 8-12 Years

Summer Camp Improv Session: July 15-19, 2024 Santa Barbara In-Person


Week 4: July 15-19, 2024
Cost: $450

9am to 12:30PM
Bring lunch, snacks and lots of water!
Kids Ages 8-12 Years


Improvisational games for kids can be both entertaining and educational, promoting creativity, teamwork, and quick thinking. Here are some popular improv games suitable for kids:

  1. Freeze Tag Improv:

    • Players start acting out a scene.

    • At any point, someone offstage can yell "Freeze!"

    • The actors freeze in their positions.

    • The person who called "Freeze" taps one of the frozen actors, takes their position, and starts a new scene.

  2. Story Circle:

    • Sit in a circle, and one person begins a story with a sentence.

    • The next person continues the story with another sentence.

    • The story goes around the circle, with each person adding a sentence.

    • The goal is to create a cohesive and often humorous story.

  3. One-Word Story:

    • Players sit or stand in a circle.

    • The first player says one word to start a story.

    • The next player adds another word, and so on.

    • The objective is to create a coherent and interesting story using only one word at a time.

  4. Props:

    • Divide the group into pairs.

    • Each pair is given a prop (e.g., a scarf, a hat).

    • The pairs must create a short, funny scene using the prop in an unexpected way.

  5. Party Quirks:

    • One person is the host of a party.

    • The other players are given quirky characters or traits.

    • The host tries to guess each guest's quirk based on their interactions.

  6. Sound Ball:

    • Players stand in a circle.

    • Start with an imaginary "sound ball" and make a sound as you toss it to someone.

    • The person catching the sound ball must make a different sound before passing it to someone else.

  7. Alphabet Story:

    • Players take turns telling a story, with each sentence starting with the next letter of the alphabet.

    • For example, "A long time ago," "Beneath the old oak tree," and so on.

  8. Mirror, Mirror:

    • Two players stand facing each other.

    • One player initiates a simple action or movement.

    • The other player mimics the action, trying to mirror it exactly.

  9. Character Switch:

    • Two players start a scene with characters.

    • At any point, someone offstage calls "Switch."

    • The actors must instantly switch characters, adapting the scene accordingly.

  10. Emotion Circle:

    • Players stand in a circle.

    • One person starts with a simple emotion and a short scene.

    • The next person takes over, introducing a new emotion and continuing the scene.

Remember to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment to encourage kids to express themselves freely. Additionally, adapt the difficulty level of games based on the age and comfort level of the participants.

What We Do At Kids Camp Improv
Santa Barbara

9:00am – 9:15am: Drop Off / Arrival
Morning Character Workshop warm-ups, improv games, writing 100 word story and storytelling, memorization, joke telling.

9:15am - 10:30am:

What I did last summer game, becoming a musical instrument, tongue twisters, Foley sound effects game, gibberish games, show and tell

10:30am - 10:45am:
Snack Time Outside (BYO Snacks & Water)

10:45am - 11:30am:

Outside lawn theatre activity, musical improv, math raps, dance machine.

11:30am – 12 Noon:
Outside Lawn Lunch (BYO Lunch & Water)

12 Noon - 12:30pm:
Simon says game, copy cat, musical talent show, but wait there’s more….

12:30pm: Pick-Up / Departure

Benefits of Santa Barbara Camp Improv for Kids: Engaging in improv comedy can offer a range of benefits for children aged 8-12. Here are some potential advantages:

  1. Enhances Creativity: Improv encourages kids to think on their feet, come up with ideas spontaneously, and explore their creativity. This can help develop their imaginative thinking and problem-solving skills.

  2. Builds Confidence: Improv provides a supportive environment where children can express themselves without fear of judgment. This can boost their self-esteem and confidence, both in performance settings and in everyday life.

  3. Develops Communication Skills: Improv requires effective communication and listening skills. Kids learn to pay attention to their scene partners, respond appropriately, and convey ideas clearly, fostering better interpersonal communication skills.

  4. Promotes Teamwork: Improv is often a collaborative activity that involves working with others to create scenes. This promotes teamwork, cooperation, and the ability to adapt to different ideas and perspectives.

  5. Encourages Risk-Taking: Improv encourages kids to take risks in a safe and supportive environment. This willingness to take risks can translate into other areas of their lives, fostering a mindset of exploration and learning from experiences.

  6. Sharpens Quick Thinking: Improv requires participants to think quickly and make decisions on the spot. This can help enhance cognitive skills such as quick thinking, adaptability, and mental agility.

  7. Stress Relief: Engaging in improv can be a fun and lighthearted way for children to release stress. The emphasis on play, laughter, and spontaneity can contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience.

  8. Cultivates Emotional Intelligence: Improv often involves exploring various emotions and understanding different perspectives. This can contribute to the development of emotional intelligence, as kids learn to recognize and express emotions in a controlled and creative manner.

  9. Fosters a Positive Attitude: Improv teaches kids to embrace the unexpected and find humor in various situations. This positive attitude can be valuable in navigating challenges and setbacks in life.

  10. Improves Public Speaking Skills: As children engage in improv performances, they naturally improve their public speaking abilities. This can be beneficial in school presentations, extracurricular activities, and later in their professional lives.

Remember that the key to reaping these benefits lies in creating a supportive and encouraging environment, where the emphasis is on creativity, collaboration, and fun rather than performance pressure.


Santa Barbara Winter Camp Improv